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Title: FAR2014/25 Fishery characterisation and catch-per-unit-effort analyses for frostfish (Lepidopus caudatus), 1989–90 to 2009–10.
FAR_2014_25_2642_DEE2010-07FRO (Obj. 1-6, CS3, RR3A).pdf (7.9 MB)
Prior to the mid-2000s, most of the frostfish catch was taken by midwater trawling targeting hoki off the west coast of the South Island. Since then, most landings have come from the trawl fishery targeting jack mackerel in the North and South Taranaki Bights and off the west coast of the South Island. Analyses of frostfish catch per unit effort were done for both of these fisheries. The CPUE index from the jack mackerel fishery is considered most reliable but is of short duration.
FAR: 2014/25;
ISSN: 1179-5352;
ISBN: 978-0-478-43223-7;
ScienceStock: FRO;
Species: Frostfish;
FishingMethod: Midwater trawl;
ResearchField: CPUE; Fishery characterisation;
Author: Bentley; Kendrick; MacGibbon;
Title: Age determination of frostfish (Lepidopus caudatus) off west coast South Island.
FAR_2013_21_2635_MID2010-01B, Obj8, CS5.pdf (1.9 MB)
 A method to determine the age of frostfish (Lepidopus caudatus) using counts of zones in otoliths has been developed, and was verified using the progression of modes in length-frequency distributions. Frostfish are fast-growing and relatively short-lived (maximum age 11 years). An estimated catch-at-age distribution for the FRO 7 fishery in 2007–08 is presented.
FAR: 2013/21;
ISSN: 1179-5352;
ISBN: 978-0-478-40595-8;
ScienceStock: Deepwater;
Species: frostfish;
Stock: FRO;
FishingMethod: trawl;
ResearchField: frostfish age, otoliths, length-frequency distributions;
Author: Horn;
Title: A summary of biology and commercial landings, and a stock assessment of the frostfish, Lepidopus caudatus Euphrasen, 1788 (Pisces: Trichiuridae), in New Zealand waters
\1998 FARDs\98_23_FARD.pdf (832.0 kb)
A summary of biology and commercial landings, and a stock assessment of the frostfish, Lepidopus caudatus Euphrasen, 1788 (Pisces: Trichiuridae), in New Zealand waters
Author: Bagley; Colman; Schofield;
FishingMethod: Trawl;
ISSN: 1175-1584;
ResearchField: Fishery characterisation; Life-history characteristics; Stock assessment;
ScienceStock: Middle depths;
Species: FRO;